Root ginseng African
Ginseng is an herbal supplement that has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine. It is commonly touted for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It could also help regulate blood sugar levels and have benefits for some cancers.
Ginseng is the root of the perennial herbs of Panax quinquefoliumandPanax ginseng.which contain a series of tetracyclic triterpenoid saponins ginsenosides as active ingredients.
It is considered a tonic or adaptogenic that enhances physical performance including. sexual , promotes vitality and increases resistance to stress and ageing.
The adaptogenic properties of ginseng are believed to be due to its effects on hypothalamic [pituitary] adrenalaxis, resulting in elevated plasma corticotropin and corticosteroids levels. When used appropriately, ginseng appears to be safe.
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Adaptogenic properties
Brekhman, a pioneer in the experimental studies of ginseng, used the termadaptogen to describe the ability of ginseng to increase resistance to physical, chemical and biological stress and to build up general vitality .
This effect sets in slowly and several weeks treatment are needed to obtain the full benefit of the drug. The effect of adaptogenic drugs, like ginseng, is particularly evident ‘ when the resistance of the organism is diminished or is taxed with extra demands’ .Experimental studies have confirmed the adaptogenic properties of ginseng and the effects are apparently a function of the ginsenoside saponin glycosides contained in the root. Indeed, ginseng enhances resistance to X-irradiation,
viral and tumour load, temperature stress, hyperbaric hyperoxia, and physical exercise, augments work capacity in rats and increases swimming time in rats . Many of these activities have been attributed to a corticosteroid-like action and endocrinological studies have suggested that ginsenosides may augment adrenal steroidogenesis via an indirect action on the pituitary gland .
The cortico-steroid-like action of ginseng is strongly suspected to be responsible of the adaptogenic properties of ginseng as hormones produced by the adrenal gland are known to play a significant role in the adaptation capabilities of the body reseach shows the possible mechanism of the adaptogenic action of ginseng.
Ginseng has been used by athletes as an ergogenic aid for many years. Pieralisi et al. showed that ginseng preparation was effective in increasing the work capacity, by improving oxygen utilisation, in 50 male sport teachers 47.years old.
Effects on learning and memory
Experiments with animals have demonstrated the psychomotor effects of ginseng. Petkov et al. showed that oral administered ginseng, at a dose of 20mg/kg for 3 days, improved learning and memory in rats performing a maze task.
Likewise, it has been also shown that oral doses of ginseng improved learning and memory in rats performing shuttle box active avoidance test. The results of this investigation also indicated that high doses of ginseng can impair conditioned-re-flex rather than improve it. The positive effect of ginseng on learning and memory could involve an action on serotoninergic transmission .
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Consistently with the experimental results, D’Angelo et al. showed a favourable effect on various tests of psychomotor performance attention, processing, auditory reaction time in healthy individuals receiving a ginseng extract 200 mg daily for 12 weeks .
Today it is found in Africa, in Cameroon. this has helped in developing new products that h positively affect people in Africa and beyond.
Here are some of those products
root ginseng african